Dear Wandsworth resident,
Free Healthy Homes check-up
Wandsworth Borough Council (WBC) has organised a free service to help residents keep warm and well this winter and to let you know about the wide range of services on offer across the borough.
The service is free to Wandsworth residents aged 18+ who are in need and include the following example groups:
People on a low income
People aged 65 and over
People living with mental health conditions
People living with a disability
People who have a long term health condition (such as diabetes or COPD)
People with children under the age of 5 or pregnant women
If you request the service, an advisor from our local not-for-profit organisation Thinking Works will telephone you at a time of your choosing to assess your needs and give you advice and help prepare you for winter.
The service includes FREE devices to help cut your water and energy use that will either be dropped off or installed depending on Covid 19 risk factors.
During the assessment, your advisor may offer the following:
FREE carbon monoxide detector (CO alarm)
FREE radiator reflector panels for 3 radiators*
Advice and referrals for heating and insulation grants**
Specialist advice on lowering your heating bills whilst keeping warm
Advice and referrals for debt and financial assistance
Advice on health and wellbeing services in the borough
Referrals for benefit checks
Referrals for FREE smoke alarms
Numbers of assessments are limited and will be booked on a first come-first served basis.
To book your assessment or for more information, please call: 0800 118 23 27
Text: 07928 394 482
*Measures are installed subject to survey but wherever possible
**Subject to clients being in receipt of eligible benefits and circumstance